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Comp. Projects

Once we are hired, our representative will carry out an audit to assess your potential business risks, the status of your assets, your succession wishes and your tax issues.

At the end of the audit, a report will be presented showing the points that need your attention and the proposed solutions.

This audit will also allow us to verify that you are a good fit for our services, as we cannot help anyone who is involved in criminal activity.

We do not do business with anyone who is involved in money laundering, terrorism, human, organ, or drug trafficking.

We help honest people improve their business image, protect their assets, plan their succession, and pay less taxes (legally).

Company formation
Formation Services

The audit report will define which strategy is best for you. Based on that, we can offer you any service you need to go global: we can set up trusts in the most protective and tax-free jurisdictions, we can incorporate companies both in tax havens and in the US, we can reorganize your company, your assets, and your finance

Therefore, we can take care of all aspects of implementing your restructuring plan.

Global Presence

Does your plan say you're going to have different companies around the world? Don't worry, we can make them real by creating a brand, designing a logo and website, renting virtual offices, hiring phone lines and even a call center to answer them 

Your foreign or local company will not be just paper.

Global presence
Wealth protection

An important aspect of any protection plan is to split your different businesses into different companies and create a holding company just to hold your wealth.

Depending on where you live and where your business is, you could be at greater risk, but even in the fairest jurisdictions, you could run into some problems.

In limited liability companies or corporations, the rule is that shareholders, directors, officers etc. are not liable for the company's debts that exceed their assets. But in some cases, you could be held liable, and your other business and personal property could be at risk.

Another aspect is how to protect your estate after your death, defining who will benefit from it, including protecting it from your own beneficiaries.


Some people can't even comply with domestic regulations, how can they comply with regulations in different countries?

Don't worry, we know the laws and regulations in every country we operate in, so we can show you what you need to do to keep your business in compliance wherever you are.

We can do your bookkeeping, file reports, tax returns, pay fees and taxes, write resolutions, statements, deeds, agreements, and contracts. We can also take care of your corporate governance.

RH cut

If your plan says you must establish trusts, form international companies, and reorganize your business, you will need people to act as a trustee, protector, at least one director for each company, officers (CEO, CFO, President, Treasurer, Secretary etc.), accountants, lawyers, etc.

If you don't know the right people for the job, we can hire and name the most qualified professionals in each jurisdiction for you and supervise their work.

Locally or globally, we have the right people to grow your business.

Start 2


We define what best suits your needs



We restructure your business

Finish 2


We keep your business running and growing

Our Goal is to make your


We know how to bring you peace of mind...