Home » Representatives

representatives make us unique

We can be local being global.

If you are a lawyer, an accountant or a business consultant, you can become our representative

We offer:


You will receive our material on how to conduct due diligence, how to assess risk and how to use our resources to provide the right solution.

A possibility to help your clients

Sometimes our services are just what your clients need and being a representative is one way to help them.


You will be paid for the services you perform, the services you sell, and the services you oversee.

A possibility to learn about new solutions

You can learn what we do and have one more professional tool to solve your clients' problems.

Professional growth

You can become a master representative and oversee the work of other representatives.

Professional prestige

Being our representative makes you an international professional, someone who not only knows local solutions but can provide solutions around the world.


How to apply:

First, you need to contact us and inform us of your interest in being our representative.

Then the master representative for your region will contact you.

It will be necessary to provide proof of identity, proof of residence, proof of professional qualification and proof of suitability and attend the interview.

Once approved, you will have to sign a contract with us.

You will then undergo training on our services, our beliefs, and standards.

You will have to complete a report about your country, the positives and negatives and the necessary procedures for foreign businesses to operate there and keep them in good standing.

The first ten (10) jobs you do will be directly supervised by the master representative, therefore you will not receive full commission.

After ten (10) successful employments, you become a Senior Representative, and if the Master Representative is outside your country or state, you can apply to become a Master Representative in your region.

What does a representative do?

A representative has two main roles: selling our services to local entrepreneurs and establishing trusts and forming companies for our foreign clients in their country or state